Namibia africa religions
Namibia africa religions

The Assembly is the principal legislative body, the Council's role is mainly advisory. The parliament has two chambers: the National Assembly (78 members, elected for a term of five years) and the National Council (26 members, elected for six years). He appoints the prime minister and members of the government. The president, head of state, is elected for five years by national vote, a term which can be renewed once. Policy Namibia is a republic composed of 13 administrative regions.

namibia africa religions

A constitution was written and Namibia became independent on 21 March 1990. In 1988 South Africa agreed to allow Namibia to become independent. It was not until the late eighties that SWAPO, confined to the periphery of the country, agreed to join other Namibian political parties. The UN, under pressure from the Soviet and developing countries, recognised the leadership of SWAPO. The South African mandate became increasingly challenged by international organisations and in 1966 the UN ordered South Africa to withdraw from the trust territory, but they refused, which led to a long guerrilla war with SWAPO. The creation of the Southwest African People Organisation (SWAPO) quickly followed, with the aim to liberate Namibia from South African rule and become independent. After the Second World War, South Africa extended its apartheid policies to Namibia and became a military occupier. In 1920, the League of Nations placed South West Africa under a British mandate, but the South African government was granted the administration of the territory. In 1915, the First World War allowed South Africa to take control of the German colony of Namibia. In 1904, the Herero people staged an uprising, but it was swiftly, brutally and methodically suppressed, killing thousands and leaving many refugees. The German population in Namibia grew over the next hundred years and the indigenous tribes suffered at their hands. The German army, commanded by Curt von François, established Namibia’s capital, Windhoek, in 1890 and two years later, the city of Swakopmund. In 1884 Germany seized Angra Pequena, a bay in the coast of Namibia, and in the aftermath, the land between the Cunene River and the Orange River became a German Protectorate. When the English and Germans came to investigate in the 1800s, a group of people called the Oorlams had already settled. Upon arrival of the first Europeans, San and Bantu peoples shared the region of Namibia with little commotion. December 10: International Human Rights Day.Late October: Oktoberfest Windhoek (and elsewhere).End of September: Windhoek Agricultural Fair.August 26: Herero Day – traditional dress is worn in Okahandja to commemorate the death of their leaders killed in the wars against the Khoikhoi and the Germans.In late April or early May: Windhoek Carnival.March: A street festival called Mpabira-Enjando, which brings together a host of dancers and musicians in traditional costume.Lutheranism, a branch of Protestantism, are the most numerous, but the Catholic community of Portuguese origin is also strong. ReligionĨ0% of Namibians are Christian and 20% follow Animism. Other minorities include: Kavangos, Herero, Damara, European, Nama, Caprivian, San, Basrer and Tswana. The Namibian population can be split into roughly 11 ethnic groups, with the biggest proportion (around half), made up of the Ovambo people.

namibia africa religions

In addition to English, Afrikaans and German are both spoken, as well as many indigenous languages, including Khoisan, a group of African dialects famous for their clicking sounds.

Namibia africa religions